American Doxa: Identity-Memory-Text

18 January 2009

“the American Dream” (?)

Filed under: Schedule / Update — ghink @ 1:15 pm
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M 19-Jan No Classes — Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

“Due”: personal blog is online/active; (please send or post URL); first entry due this week, (by Friday).
Now we pick up the pen that appears at the top of this page (blog header image) and begin writing our antidote to cultural myths; (Q. why red ink? coincidence or emergent connection? Consider.)


Read / review (elliptical progress; “catch-up” day):

Course “Project” Notes: Premise(s) (08-Jan)
Method: Para-doxa (15-Jan)
Method: Text (15-Jan)

Norton Anthology: Introduction (2083-91)
Norton Anthology: “Postmodern Manifestos” (2485-6)

(recommended) “The American Character” – Louis P. Masur. The Chronicle of Higher Education. The Chronicle Review. Volume 55, Issue 19, Page B6. 16 Jan 2009.

T 20-Jan Inauguration of President Obama

(much to consider and discuss, concerning our issues and methods; likely this week and in on-going “discussion,” — i.e. blogging).

W 21-Jan Miller: Death of a Salesman Act One (2328-57). (Lauren Conway)

F 23-Jan Miller: Death / Salesman Act Two (2357-92). (Ryan George)


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